Dedication of a Family to the Blessed Virgin Mary


Most Blessed Virgin, Immaculate Queen and Mother Mary, refuge and consolation of all creatures.  I come before your throne with my entire family. I choose you for my Lady, my Mother, and my Advocate with God.

I dedicate myself to your service with all who are near and dear to me. Receive us as your children, I beg of you, O Mother of God. keep us under your protection; especially at the hour of our death. 

Oh Mother of Mercy, I appoint you the  ruler of my whole household, my family, my interests, my affairs. Please do not refuse this charge. 

Bless me and all my loved ones, and never allow us to be far from your Son. 

  • Defend us from temptations, 
  • Deliver us from danger
  • Provide for our necessities
  • Counsel us in our doubts
  • Comfort us in affliction
  • Assist us in illness

Never let the devil glory in enslaving any of us who is now consecrated to you. Grant that we may all arrive in heaven to thank you, and to praise and love Jesus our Redeemer together with you for all eternity. Amen.

Pray Also
