The Almighty God made it clear to us through His word that Obedience is better than sacrifice. Obedience means to be submissive to the will of God. Through Mary, who is called "most obedient," we learn how we are called to glorify Him with our lives by being His obedient servant. Moreover, we learn that such submissiveness can come easily when we truly love and trust Him like Mary did.

In regards to obedience, the Rule of the Ten Evangelical Virtues states, "The Virgin Mary was always most obedient not only to God, but for God's sake, also to men."


At the Annunciation, her obedience begins with a choice — her choice to cooperate in God's plan. In obedience, she conceived God's only Son, forsaking her own plans for her life. And indeed, for the sake of God, she remained obedient to the laws and customs of the day.

For instance, by undertaking the long journey to Bethlehem in obedience to the decree of the Emperor Caesar Augustus, she gave birth to the Lord in the City of David. And though born without sin, Mary remained obedient to the practices at the time by offering a turtledove and a pigeon as a purification and expiation of sin when she presented Jesus in the Temple.

Mary also invites us all to obey Jesus without hesitation when, at the Wedding Feast of Cana, she says, "Do whatever He tells you" (Jn 2:5). Still, the most courageous example of her obedience was exhibited when, in conformity with God's will, she offered her Son to be crucified.

But how are we to live up to Mary's example?

The Rule states: "According to the example and in imitation of the Virgin, devoted souls, in order to please Christ, must obey God by following the Ten Commandments, must offer turtledoves by making confession of their sins, and must offer pigeons by loving God with their whole heart. At completion of the day, before going to bed, they must present their work to God, rendering Him an account of it."

The Gospels solidify God's requirements of us. "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments," Jesus tells His disciples (Jn 14:15). Later, he tells them, "You are My friends if you do what I command you" (Jn 15:14).

God couldn't make his expectation of us any clearer. The Bible tells us to obey God because He knows what He's doing (Is 55:8,9). It tells us to obey God because it is He alone who knows what's best for us — "for we are His handiwork" (Eph 2:10).

We also know why we should be obedient since we know full well the consequence of disobedience. Adam and Eve's disobedience to God brought sin, suffering, and death into the world. The Bible, in fact, is rife with consequences of disobedience. Remember Lot's wife being turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back?

Still, Mary's example makes it clear that obedience is not a virtue done out of fear — or drudgery. Because she trusted and loved God, she was able to obey Him resolutely. Through her, we learn the loving consequence of obedience since her obedience brought the Savior of mankind into the world!

Mary herself declared that God was pleased with her obedience, when she said: "He has regarded the humility of his handmaid" (Lk 1:48); for it is in prompt obedience that the humility  of a servant properly speaking consists. 

St. Irenaeus reminds us that: "As Eve by her disobedience caused her own death and that of the whole human race, so did the Virgin Mary, by her obedience, become the cause of her own salvation and that of all mankind."

Mary's obedience was much more perfect than that of all the other saints, since all men, on account of original sin, are prone to evil, and find it difficult to do good; but not so Mary.

According to St. Bernadine: "Because Mary was free from original sin, she found no obstacle in obeying God; She was like a wheel which was easily turned  by every inspiration of the Holy Spirit."

"Her only object in this world was to keep her eyes constantly fixed on God, to discover His will, and when she had found out what He required, to perform it." continues the same saint.

Mary well proved how ready she was to obey in all things, in the first place, when, to please God, she obeyed even the Roman Emperor and undertook the long journey to Bethlehem,  in the winter, when she was pregnant, and in such poverty that she had to give birth to her son.

Above all, Mary showed her heroic obedience when to obey the divine will, She offered her Son to death; and this with such constancy as to amaze the saints.

St. Bede the venerable explains our Lord's answer to the woman spoken of in the Gospel, who exclaimed,

"Blessed is the womb that bore you and the breasts that nursed you'... 'But more blessed are they who hear the word of God and keep it'" (Lk 11:27-28), says that Mary was indeed blessed in becoming the Mother of God, but that she much more so in always loving and obeying the divine will. 

For this reason, all who love obedience are highly pleasing to the Blessed Virgin. She once appeared to St Franciscan friar in his cell. While she was present, obedience called him to hear the confession of a sick person. He went, and on his return found that Mary had waited for him, and highly commended his obedience. 

On the other hand, she greatly blamed another religious who remained to finish some private devotions after the refectory bell had rung. 

The Mother of God herself revealed to St. Bridget that through the merit of her obedience she had obtained so great power that no sinner however great were his crimes,  who had recourse to her with a purpose of amendment, failed to obtain pardon. 

Our own sweet Queen and Mother, intercede with Jesus for us. By the merit of your obedience obtain for us that we may be faithful in obeying His will. 

Citations >>

Marians of the Immaculate Conception 

The Book, Glories of  Mary by St Alphonsus Liguori 

