What You Need To Know About the Title of Perpetual Help

Did you know that among many titles under which Christians piety is pleased to invoke the Blessed Virgin Mary, there are few that are as likely to lift our hearts and fill them unlimited confidence as the sweet name of 'Mother of Perpetual Help', a name that pleases Her so.

  • In the temporal order, who is exempt from illness or poverty?
  • Who does not weaken from time to time in the service of God, in the practice of virtue and who does not tire at times in the path of good?
  • Finally, what Christian does not tremble at the thought of decisive and difficult moment of death, of the purifying fire of purgatory?
In view of such miseries and necessities, the soul overwhelmed, feels itself weakening and would like to brush "into tears".
But upon hearing the sweet name of Mother of Perpetual Help, it becomes serene. it takes courage, and continual joyfully on its path toward eternity. Why?

  • In truth, the Virgin of Perpetual Help means: a remedy for all the evils that afflict us; a remedy not just for a day, but perpetual, from the cradle of Heaven, help in everything and help at all times.
  • Perpetual Help means: consolation in afflictions, in poverty, in illness, in labors; strength to give up sin, whether mortal or venial, and not to fall into it again. 
  •  Perpetual Help means: fidelity in the service of the Lord and of the Virgin Herself, and, therefore, final perseverance. 
  • Perpetual Help means: courage in the practice of virtue; special protection in the terrible hour of death; prompt and efficacious relief in the dreadful prison where the just souls, who are still indebted to Divine Justice, suffer before entering the heavenly homeland. 
  • Perpetual Help means: that even when circumstances or situations occur where everything seems hopeless, there is still one certain recourse which is "The protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary"


To convince you of this: consider, on the one hand, what the life of man on earth is, and the other hand, what the name of Our Mother of Perpetual Help means.

Truthfully, what is life but a chain a miseries, dangers, afflictions and labors? 

Because it then feels that its lamentation are not lost in desert, but that they find a gracious echo in the heart of a Mother, Who desires, and is able, to help it.

Meditate and ask for what you wish to obtain from Our Mother of Perpetual Help. 


A visit to the image of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, reciting 10 Hail Marys and commending to Her all your necessities and those of your family. 


O Mother of Perpetual Help! For the ingratitude with which, until now, I have repaid Thy mercies and those of God, I deserve, as just punishment, Thy depriving me of Thy favours; for an ungrateful one is no longer worthy of fresh favours; but, O my Sweet Mother, no matter how great my ingratitude is, Thy kindness is even greater. 

Do not disdain, therefore to help a poor sinner who confides in Thee! Thy heart overflows with charity for all and never has one heard it said that any unfortunate soul has left thy feet without having his tears dried. Do not forget my miseries; intercede for me before God of goodness, who refuses Thee nothing, and prove once more that thou art worthy  of the sweet name of Perpetual Help.

Recite the Memorare
