Our Mother of Perpetual help Assists Her Devotees at the hour of death

Consider that, although man needs the benign help of Mary at all times and in all circumstances, never, however, as much as in the anxieties of death, which are the greatest that can be experiences in this world.


Terrible, indeed, very terrible are the afflictions of the dying. Everything conspires to make those last moments terrible – the memory of sins committed, the fear of the incomprehensible judgments of an offended God, the uncertainty of eternal salvation, everything, everything. Especially then Hell arms itself and puts into action all its forces to possess the soul that is going to pass into eternity because it knows only a little time remains before she is to be judged and, if it does not succeed in ruining her, she will be saved forever. That is why the wicked spirit, accustomed to tempting her in life, is not content solely with tempting her at the hour of death, but even calls his companions to help him. They say that, at the moment of St. Andrew Avellino’s death, ten thousand devils gathered in his cell to tempt him.

But if at that time we have on our side the most powerful help of Mary, who will be able to overcome us? And, how will that gracious Mother deny us Her aid if we persevere in asking for it? She Herself revealed to St. Gertrude that She grants aid to Her devotees at the point of death for as many times as they have implored her in life.

O my friend! How fortunate you will be if, at the critical moment of death, you find yourself bound by the chains of love to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. These are the chains of salvation and of eternal glory. No, that tender Mother does not know how to abandon Her true devotees at that supreme moment. She is the Mother of Perpetual Help. And, just as She has helped them in the time of their exile, so also She exhibits Her sweetness at the hour of death and obtains for them a sweet and happy death.

And, above all, showing Herself worthy of the beautiful name She bears, She sends the prince St. Michael with all the angels to the aid of Her faithful dying children so they go then to defend them from the snares of the devils and receive the souls of all those who have continually commended themselves to Her.

She is not content with sending angels to the aid of Her devotees. She Herself will come in person to assist them in their last moments. Since that great day when She had the good fortune and at the same time the sorrow of assisting Her son, Jesus, Who is the first of the predestined, She obtained the grace of assisting all of them also at the terrible moment of death. That is why the Holy Church makes us pray for Her to help us especially in the hour of our death. "Pray for us, sinners, now and at the hour of our death."

And this is found to be in conformity with what the Blessed Virgin said to St. Bridget, speaking of Her devotees, "Then, My daughter, as their Mistress and Mother when they die I will go out to meet them so they may have consolation and comfort."

The loving Queen then covers these souls with Her mantle and presents them to the Judge, Her Son, and thus surely attains salvation for them.

Christian, although you may have been a sinner, you will not cease experiencing this consolation provided that, from now on, you manage to live well and to serve this gracious and most amiable Lady. In your anguish and in the temptations with which the devil will assault you at death to make you despair Our Mother of Perpetual Help will give you fortitude and will come Herself to defend you. And with such a Mother and Protector what will you fear, O sinner?
